Sunday, November 11, 2012

What Is Stem Cell Technology?

The definition of a stem cell is very simple; it is an immature cell that can be a specialist cell for use in different parts of the body. Stem cell technology has come a long way since the scientific breakthroughs of the late 90s, but it all circles around the types of stem cells that exist; adult and embryonic. Embryonic stem cells form during the early division of newly fertilized egg and they can be made to change into any type of cell. The use of embryonic stem cells is quite controversial.

The use of the term adult stem cell is a misnomer because they are nothing but cells which are already in use in developed tissue, so they are found in infants and children as well. Adult stem cells may best be thought of as mature stem cells and they act as the body’s repair kit – dividing on a regular basis to take the place of cells that die or are lost. Adult stem cells have been found in blood, skin, muscle and bone. Adult stem cells are hard to harvest but recent developments make it easier and easier to get them from bone marrow and use them for stem cell therapy in the battle against leukemia, lymphoma and other diseases of the blood, as well as some tumors.

Because stem cells are found in all the different tissues in the body, they have the potential of being utilized for anti aging therapy as well as having applications in treating many health related problems. Studies are ongoing and new breakthroughs are happening in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, heart disease, Alzheimer's, arthritis and many ailments often associated with aging.

One of the original success stories was a bone marrow transplant, where the stem cells of the patient's bone marrow were replaced with healthy stem cells from a matching donor. Once treatment begins the stem cells’ migrate into the bone marrow of the cancer sufferer and the production of healthy new replacement cells begins. Stem cells are in the blood as well, but they are far more difficult to process because, although they are easier to harvest, there is far less of them.

A byproduct of giving birth is the umbilical cord which was at one time simply discarded. It has been found in the research labs that the umbilical cord blood is rich in stem cells and treatment with umbilical cord stem cells shows great promise.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Three Reasons Why IV Vitamin Therapy Deserves a Second Look

These days, a lot of talk has been going around about the novel method of administering vitamins through injections and intravenous drips. The more traditional types were quick to dismiss IV vitamin therapy as downright silly and ineffective, without even taking the effort to get to know its basis. Others, who have only heard about this and that celebrity who's getting regular IV drips to be able to jump from one party to the next, simply put it down as yet another trend that will soon die down and never live up to its hype.

Don't you think these verdicts were reached a little too hastily? Read on and find three simple reasons why you should consider IV drips more closely before deciding to completely write them off.
1. IV vitamin drips are not novel at all.

The Institute for Healing Arts Research discusses the Myers' Cocktail – an early form of intravenous vitamin therapy developed by Baltimore native John Myers, MD more than 30 years ago. This intravenous vitamin nutrient supplement contains magnesium, calcium, vitamins B5, B6, and B12, as well as an average of 25 grams of vitamin C.
For years, the concoction has been used to alleviate chronic fatigue syndrome with or without the Epstein-Barr virus, as well as chronic depression, migraine, narcotic withdrawal, respiratory issues, and sinusitis, among others. Most say that the more effective transfer of nutrients from the blood to the cells is what makes IV-administered vitamins more effective than those which are taken orally.

2. IV drips can be tailor-made to cater to your specific needs.
Not everyone's body is the same – the nutrients needed by a middle-aged woman are most likely different from the nutrients required by an adolescent boy. This is where the beauty of IV vitamin cocktails shines through. A doctor can make an assessment of your body to determine which vitamins need to be included into your very own vitamin cocktail. That way, nothing will be found wanting and nothing will be put to waste. It's just like having your personal trainer evaluate you before giving you an exercise program at the gym.

3. If it's good enough for them, why shouldn't it be good enough for you?
Cheryl Cole, Rihanna, Geri Haliwell, Suzanne Somers, Sylvester Stallone, Nick Nolte, Simon Cowell... all these big names make IV vitamin therapy an integral part of their respective beauty and wellness regimen. It sure looks like it's doing wonders for them, why should it be any different for you?