Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Myer's Cocktail: the Father of All Vitamin Drips

Despite the (mostly) unsavory publicity that IV vitamin therapy has been receiving lately, it still deserves a second look. Why? Because despite the current media hype on these so-called party girl drips, IV vitamin treatment is in fact an old and trusted remedy that's already been in use for decades.

The early form of this treatment is called the Myer's Cocktail. It was developed more than 30 years ago by John Myers, a doctor who lived and practiced in Baltimore. This pioneering IV vitamin cocktail contains magnesium, selenium, calcium, vitamins B5, B6, and B12, as well as an average of 25 grams of vitamin C.

Myer's nutrient concoction was originally used to address chronic fatigue syndrome with or without the Epstein-Barr virus; chronic depression; migraine; the ill effects of narcotic withdrawal; some respiratory issues; and sinusitis. Currently, this type of IV vitamin therapy is used against pimple breakouts, uneven skin tone, fatigue, insomnia, diminishing sex drive, dull skin, flaky skin, and eczema.

The secret to this impressive list is of course, in the mega-dosage of vitamins and nutrients the injectable cocktail can deliver. Vitamin C has a beneficial effect with allergies, it can also boost immunity. The combination of Vitamins C and B5 (pantothenic acid) can be stored in the adrenal glands to help maintain high energy levels throughout the day.

Magnesium relaxes smooth muscles in the lungs to help relieve asthma, hypertension and angina. IV magnesium is also associated with the relief of migraine pains as well as nausea and vomiting. Magnesium, in combination with calcium, vitamin C, and B complex vitamins, can treat fibromyalgia and myofacial pain. Calcium helps alleviate asthma, whereas selenium aids in detoxification of heavy metals. The B vitamins, on the other hand, have a positive effect on the body's energy levels.

Supporters of vitamin drips say that the more effective transfer of nutrients from the blood to the cells is what makes injectable vitamins more effective than the usual oral vitamins.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dead Body Can Be a Source of Stem Cells Too?

There is life after death. Well, this may literally hold true as recent studies reveal the possibility of transplanting organs and stem cells from dead bodies. According to medical experts, stem cells can still be extracted from the bone marrows of a cadaver five days after the death. Who would have thought that at death, someone can potentially save the living?

A living donor may not be able to provide sufficient supply of stem cells needed. This is where scientists saw the promise of using cadavers. Most cells inside the body die within a couple days after demise. However, since MSCs or Mesenchymal stem cells can thrive in a low-oxygen environment. Gianluca D'Ippolito along with his associates at the University of Miami, pondered whether these MSCs might survive longer than other class of stem cells.

"While only limited amounts of bone marrow can be taken from a living donor, a cadaver represents a plentiful source of cells," says D'Ippolito. "From one donor, you could take the whole spine, for example. You are going to end up with billions of cells."

To test their idea, the scientists kept finger bones of 2 dead bodies for 5 full days. Thereafter, the team extracted MSCs from the bone marrow of each bone. They waited for five more weeks and to their delightful surprise, they were able to transform the stem cells into cartilage and fat cells. These promising results led them to further continue with their experiments. D'Ippolito and his group are now trying their prowess to convert the stem cells to nerve and intestinal cells.

At the moment, there have been reports that mentioned of corneal stem cells from eyes of fresh cadavers that have treated blindness and other eye conditions. Chris Mason of University College London sees an obstacle in using MSCs from dead bodies. "The work is novel and intriguing... but it would be better to use a living donor," he says. "You can always go back and get more stem cells from a living donor if you need them, but if you use a cadaver, you'll eventually run out."

Although there are apprehensions on the health of DNA of the cells because they came from the dead and have been exposed to cooler temperatures, this is still considered a breakthrough in the massive studies being conducted around stem cell therapy globally.

You may now be asking, can stem cells from cadavers be used as anti- aging agent? If it can cure sickness and regenerate the way it was previously mentioned, then this is very possible. To know more about stem cell treatments click here.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Benefits of IV Vitamin Therapy

Water soluble vitamins, such as Vitamin C and Vitamin B, need daily replenishment. These vitamins can be had from eating fresh fruits and vegetables but many people do not eat enough on a daily basis. Aside from not eating enough, the environment that we create for ourselves may also deplete what we do get. Habits that have a detrimental effect can be smoking, drinking alcohol, ingesting excessive caffeine and eating fruits and vegetables that are not fresh. Stress is also a contributing factor in vitamin deficiency.

In developing product and processes that hold back the sands of time, the scientific community continues to study stem cell technology, HGH therapy and IV vitamin therapy. The results are very promising.

Vitamin C is the vitamin that helps the body recover from damage and it is essential in the healing process and plays a large role in heart and brain functions, as well as the human immune system. Studies over the years set the requirement for vitamin C to be somewhere between 2000 and 4000 mg as the level for those in good health. In the event of an illness, the demand for vitamin C increases as it is needed as part of the healing process.

It is possible to increase the level of vitamin C orally with supplements or to increase the intake of citrus fruit and vegetables in particular. Unfortunately, there is only so much vitamin intake a person can tolerate before experiencing discomfort. Furthermore, the amount of vitamin C that can be delivered through the gut is not ideal. The optimum way to deliver large doses of vitamin C is through an injection straight into a vein. This is what is known as IV vitamin therapy.

Along with stem cell therapy and HGH therapy, IV vitamin therapy can also be used as an anti aging treatment. Stem cell treatments are known to have a beneficial effect on tissue which is damaged as a result of aging; this is also true for the use of human growth hormones. Vitamins can reduce pain, allowing a person to have a normal life, more energy, improve memory and simply be a happier and healthier person. The cocktail of vitamins and minerals is known as a "Myers Cocktail" as it was developed some 30 years ago by Dr. John Meyers; recently the protocol has been enhanced by the president of the American Holistic Medicine Association.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

An Introduction to IV Vitamin Therapy

IV vitamin therapy is a process where vitamins and minerals are delivered directly to your body via the bloodstream. As it gets around the losses in potency of vitamins taken orally, the delivery system is powerful. Poor nutrition, lack of activity, poor sleep patterns, stress and other mitigating factors may lead to premature aging. The resulting lack of vitality, weight gain, skin problems, anxiety and depression and digestion problems must be overcome to slow the process of aging and retain a youthful appearance. Some Beverly Hills anti aging clinics will advise you to return to a healthy diet with lots of citrus fruit and vegetables, proper sleep, exercise and management of stress as all these are essential in slowing the aging process.

Learning how to manage your life and lifestyle is the key to retaining your youth and fighting the aging process. The lack of proper nutrition, stress and sleeping problems all add up to aging; the lack of skin vitality and elasticity, digestive disorders, illness and abdominal fat are the results of poor body maintenance. Even if you do have a healthy and well balanced diet, you may not be retaining the minerals and vitamins that are necessary to fight aging. An anti aging therapy using directly delivered vitamins via an IV boosts the levels of vitamins and minerals much more effectively than oral supplements. There are a number of cocktails that can be customized by a doctor who specializes in such treatments, each one specially designed to repair damage or return your youthful vigor.

Nutritional therapy is used to increase energy levels, repair enzyme systems and assure an active nervous system. The active vitamins that are included in a typical vitamin cocktail are C and B along with magnesium and trace minerals. This vitamin therapy is proven to be beneficial for asthmatic conditions, migraine headaches, muscle spasm, viral illness, depression, high blood pressure and many other issues related to aging. IV vitamin injections can also be beneficial when introduced periodically into healthy people as the high dosage promotes repair within the body.

It is very improbable that one can attain the same level of nutrients with orally delivered supplements. Oral vitamins and minerals are all broken down in the stomach and liver while being absorbed into the bloodstream; high doses often result in abdominal pain and diarrhea. With IV introduced vitamins, they go directly into the bloodstream in an unaltered form and produce little if any side effects.