Friday, May 3, 2013

Why Does Erectile Dysfunction Happen and How Can It Be Stopped?

Erectile dysfunction is also known as ed for short or male impotence. Erectile dysfunction is the male incapability to have an erection during sexual intercourse or to maintain one. In most cases, the causes of ed are emotional, psychological or physical. On an emotional level, the male may be unattached to his partner or having relationship issues with him or her and therefore finds it difficult to feel an erection. On a psychological perspective, the individual may be experiencing great changes in his life at home or at work that are causing him distress. These include low self-confidence, anxiety, depression and even lack of sleep.

On a physiological level, the male may be experiencing other kinds of health problems such as unhealthy diets, diabetes, cancer, liver problems, nerve damage or even other forms of physical pain in joints and muscles. There are many ways and advices on how to cure ed. Physically; the individual can take up a healthier lifestyle. He can exercise more often, eat the right foods with enough nutrition, change up some of his bad habits and eventually the reaction time of his body will be balanced again.

In other situations, some males prefer self injections and supplements to help boost their performance. In most cases, however, men prefer to speak to a psychotherapist that's specifically trained to handle these types of situations. During these sessions, the man's partner attends as well so as to find the causes for ed in that individual by tracing back all the recent events of his life and the parts that had a negative effect on him. Some even undergo self hypnosis which provides the most positive effects for treatment because it traces the individual back subconsciously to everything that took place in his life to track the exact root of the problem and his response to it.

Monday, April 22, 2013

China’s Tourism: Historical Sites, Medical Advancement and a Promising Future

Throughout centuries, man has scaled from one developmental milestone to another, leaving in its wake beautiful ruins of civilizations and yet to be fulfilled hopes for even better developmental achievements. These transitions are present in various parts of the world, but only a few countries were able to record and preserve the past and present the possibilities of the future. One of these said countries is China.

Luckily, in our generation, we can observe these transitions and future perceptions through tourism. We can visit many historical places that can illustrate the lives of people during various civilizations at different points in time. One such cultural heritage site is the Zijin Cheng, which literally translates to "Purple Forbidden City"; but is more commonly known as the "Forbidden City". The site is considered to be the best preserved imperial palace in the whole China and was declared to be a World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. The Forbidden City is the biggest ancient palatial edifice in the world. The whole site covers up to 72 hectares or about 178 acres. This acreage is covered with 90 palaces and courtyards, 980 buildings, with a total of 8,704 rooms. To keep the people out as well as in, the Ming dynasty also included in the construction 10 feet tall walls along the circumference of the city which measures up to 3,430 meters.

After revisiting the remnants of the past and admiring the ruins of a civilization long gone, you may also take a peek at what the future holds through medical tourism. Among the other types of tourisms China offers, medical tourism is slowly taking on a huge part in the country's goal of attracting people. One of the medical advances China offers that you may be interested in is stem cell treatment. Among the many capabilities of stem cell therapy are its anti-aging and rejuvenating capability. The treatment works by reintroducing stem cells in your body's depleted stem cell lines, thereby allowing for the revival of many functions of the body. With the treatment, your body will be able to restore its otherwise long-gone self-rejuvenating and regenerating capabilities; your body can then fix itself after injuries and will be more resilient to disease and degeneration. The treatment is designed to restore your youthfulness and improve aesthetics, as well as your general health and well-being.

Man has gone through a lot of developmental stages; we can revisit the past by checking-out the remnants of the past. The future, on the other hand, through medical advances, is still uncertain and what our generation can do at present is to hope for the best.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

An Up Close Look at Stem Cell Treatments

Many people have heard about promises made by advocates of stem cell treatment. There are many clinics that are dedicating themselves to IV vitamin therapy, stem cell therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy in an effort to enhance the lives of people who are getting on in years.

No one has ever said that death can be avoided, but research and experience seem to indicate that old age can be made more comfortable by a combination of healthy living and therapy of one sort or another. Are the treatments safe and effective?

There are different stem cells that are formed at different times in one's life or come from different parts of the body. Embryonic stem cells are existent only in the early stages of life; there are various stem-cells that stay with the individual for life that first appear in fetal development.

The human body makes use of specific, tissue related stem cells to fit a specific purpose. They are limited in their potential and are usually resulting from the cells from which they came. As a simple example, the cells found in bone marrow are the cells that are required to make blood, while cells in the brain, called neural cells, make more brain cells. A neural cell may not necessarily make blood no more than a stem cell from bone marrow make brain cells. It has yet to be proven that stem cells can solve all problems.

It is unlikely that a single cell can be harvested that can solve all problems, embryonic stem cells, however, are showing promise but unfortunately there is still a great deal of social stigma associated with the research. The most promising treatment in the meantime is with stem cells harvested from bone marrow. These cells have proven to be beneficial in treating immune system disease and show promise for treating bone, skin and corneal disease and injuries. Stem cell treatment is considered safe by the medical community.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Erectile Dysfunction and How to Treat It: You're not Alone

Erectile dysfunction is also known as ED or male impotence. It's a natural reaction that men have to situations that are taking place in their lives. The main problem that they experience is their inability to maintain or even have an erection during sexual intercourse.

Studies show that there are many factors that can contribute to this disorder. Some are psychological while others are physiological. In the case of psychological issues, things such as unhappiness in a relationship, current drastic changes in your life, stress, anxiety, depression, lack of self-confidence and even lack of sleep are the root causes of erectile dysfunction. In other cases, such as the physiological ones, causes include diabetes, cancer, liver related problems or any kind of physical pain on the male's body.

Most people seek treatment with self injections or synthetic supplements. Results are positive in 70% of the users. There are natural remedies such as exercise and a healthier diet with the proper nutrition, as well as herbal supplements and plants such as the gingko biloba. Many other men prefer to go to go to psychotherapy to solve their dilemma.

In the sessions of these psychiatrists specifically trained to handles situations like that, men and their partners attend to try and find the root of the problem as well as a resolve to any kinds of relationship issues that they're experiencing. During this ed treatment, men prefer to undergo self hypnosis which always provides positive results and in a majority of the cases resolves the problem. Sometimes, men prefer to talk out their problems with tier therapist and try to find the root of the problem. From there, they can identify what they should not do or re-do so as to cure themselves of this disorder.

This problem can be treated so there is nothing to be worried about. To know more about this condition including treatment options click here.

Friday, March 22, 2013

What is the Best Anti- Aging Therapy

Aging can’t be stopped. It is a process that everyone will undergo. Though there is no way you can prevent it from taking place, it is actually possible to slow it down to a great extent and reverse the signs of aging using the best anti- aging therapy.     

Controlling and reducing the effects of aging is possible by choosing the best natural anti-aging treatment methods. The market offers a wide variety of different brands which claim to be a magic treatment for aging. But it should be remembered that there is no such thing as shortcut to slowing down or avoiding the natural process of aging. It is easy to get persuaded by these advertisements especially if you are the desperate type and would try any product available just to defy the aging process. It should be remembered that although there are some products that might work, the effects they can give are actually temporary and most of the time, they cost a lot of money.

Some people tend to look older than their real age. There are also those who managed to stay healthy and look young as they start to age. These are the people who were able to fight the complications and effects of aging successfully. Many people would say that they were able to maintain good health and young looks because of simple and healthy living. But looking young should not be only evident from the outside. It should also come from within. It is easy to conceal your true age with cosmetics but the best treatment for anti -aging is one that works not only in making you look young from the outside, but the inside as well.

The body is made up of billions of cells. Certain molecules that are unstoppable in nature attack the healthy cells in the body. To ensure the healthy cells won’t get affected, one should have higher levels of antioxidants and this is normally contained in various food substances. Therefore the first step towards combating the signs of aging is to have proper and healthy diet.

Green, leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, cabbage and carrots are a few of the many types of vegetables that can provide your body with essential antioxidants which will act as your weapon to fight the problems and effects of aging.

In addition to having healthy diet, regular exercise is another important component of a successful anti-aging treatment. Exercise can help make the body healthy and fit and when doing it regularly, it can bring about other benefits to the body such as reducing the risks of certain diseases and weight loss. 

Sadly, many people ignore the idea of exercising regularly and implementing a good diet plan in their lifestyle. They focus on taking medications and cosmetics to prevent aging from happening on a faster rate. What they are not aware of is these options only act on the surface of the skin. Some might even have worse side effects. If you want to get positive results, you should stick to natural anti-aging treatments and combine it with supplements known to provide essential nutrients to the body.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Key Developments Puts Stem Cell Therapy Rogues to Rest

Controversies surrounding stem cell therapy and stem cell treatment are gradually being laid to rest as significant developments within this field of medicine show favorable response.

The latest findings published in have pinned down previous conclusions of iPS cells provoking immune response when injected into mice in 2011. A parcel of the report reads:

"The latest Nature study rejects that conclusion. Masumi Abe, a geneticist at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences in Chiba, Japan, and his team took iPS cells derived from mice and injected them back into the animals. For comparison, they injected other mice with embryonic stem (ES) cells. Yet unlike the 2011 study, which saw iPS cells perform worse than ES cells, the team found no differences between the immune responses of each group. The researchers also transplanted skin and bone-marrow cells derived from iPS or ES cells into mice and achieved similar success rates between the groups. The immune response of both sets of tissues is "indistinguishable", says Abe."

These notable research discoveries reassure the public of the use of iPS for stem cell treatments. This also concurred the study released last year that reprogramming caused very few mutations that is expected.

Stem cells are seen to have potential to be used in the development of new drugs. Stem cells are often described as pluripotent or "can do many things" in literal translation. True enough, stem cells are now being studied and used to produce pure cultures of cells for early testing of drugs.

A British Drug Company, AstraZeneca, will reportedly purchase human heart muscle, blood vessels, nerve cells and liver cells made from iPS cells by Cellular Dynamics. They are planning to embark on two experiments using these iPS cells: first is to help non-pluripotent cells to transform into mature tissues that could eventually act as drugs to that enables self-healing of tissues; the second is to test iPS cells in production of medicines for non-degenerative diseases.

Stem cell therapy is still at the infant stage when speaking of implementation and accessibility. Aside from the questions on source, matches and procedures, stem cell treatments are not priced cheaply at this time. However, many experts believed that cost would considerably depreciate once new techniques surface and stem cell therapy hits mainstream. At the moment, stem cell transplantation is performed with an autologous transplant--where patient is his own donor or another person that is 100% compatible with the patient. The importance of finding a perfect match is a prerequisite.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Five Ways to Look Healthier and Younger With IV Vitamins

Of late, IV vitamin therapy has been gaining attention as the so-called Party Drip - a remedy for hangover used by party animals and pop stars. However, more recently, the novel medical breakthrough has found new and broader application for those looking to rejuvenate their body. Those who have tried IV vitamin treatments have been very vocal about the positive results they've experienced. Here are three of the most popular IV treatments that help pave the way to beauty and wellness:

Glutathione vitamin drip: Glutathione is a powerful anti-oxidant found predominantly in the brain and the liver. A supplement dose of this anti-oxidant improves liver and brain function, resulting in memory enhancement, alleviation of conditions such as dementia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, neuropathy, and liver diseases. Coupled with HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy), this does wonders to the skin, giving it a fresh and youthful glow.

Myer's Cocktail: A concoction of vitamins and minerals therapy developed around three decades ago by John Meyer, M.D., a physician at Johns Hopkins University. This tried and tested cocktail is indicated for chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, muscle spasm, asthma, hives, congestive heart failure, chest pain, infections, and senile dementia. Workaholics can rely upon this nutrient blend for enough energy to last them for days.

Immunity booster vitamin drip: This popular blend contains high doses of pharmaceutical grade vitamin C. Vitamin C has been found to be helpful against chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease, chronic infections, hepatitis, and even cancer.

Brain enhancement vitamin drip: Used to improve memory, impaired concentration, depression, insomnia, and anxiety, this is a mixture containing Glutathione, alpha lipoic acid, and folate among others.

Vision enhancement IV: These "vision drips" containing anti-oxidants, fatty acids, amino acids, carotenoids, minerals, and glutathione are taken individually or combined with chelation to battle visual decline, cataracts, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy.

Look young, feel younger visit Regeneveda.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Myer's Cocktail: the Father of All Vitamin Drips

Despite the (mostly) unsavory publicity that IV vitamin therapy has been receiving lately, it still deserves a second look. Why? Because despite the current media hype on these so-called party girl drips, IV vitamin treatment is in fact an old and trusted remedy that's already been in use for decades.

The early form of this treatment is called the Myer's Cocktail. It was developed more than 30 years ago by John Myers, a doctor who lived and practiced in Baltimore. This pioneering IV vitamin cocktail contains magnesium, selenium, calcium, vitamins B5, B6, and B12, as well as an average of 25 grams of vitamin C.

Myer's nutrient concoction was originally used to address chronic fatigue syndrome with or without the Epstein-Barr virus; chronic depression; migraine; the ill effects of narcotic withdrawal; some respiratory issues; and sinusitis. Currently, this type of IV vitamin therapy is used against pimple breakouts, uneven skin tone, fatigue, insomnia, diminishing sex drive, dull skin, flaky skin, and eczema.

The secret to this impressive list is of course, in the mega-dosage of vitamins and nutrients the injectable cocktail can deliver. Vitamin C has a beneficial effect with allergies, it can also boost immunity. The combination of Vitamins C and B5 (pantothenic acid) can be stored in the adrenal glands to help maintain high energy levels throughout the day.

Magnesium relaxes smooth muscles in the lungs to help relieve asthma, hypertension and angina. IV magnesium is also associated with the relief of migraine pains as well as nausea and vomiting. Magnesium, in combination with calcium, vitamin C, and B complex vitamins, can treat fibromyalgia and myofacial pain. Calcium helps alleviate asthma, whereas selenium aids in detoxification of heavy metals. The B vitamins, on the other hand, have a positive effect on the body's energy levels.

Supporters of vitamin drips say that the more effective transfer of nutrients from the blood to the cells is what makes injectable vitamins more effective than the usual oral vitamins.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dead Body Can Be a Source of Stem Cells Too?

There is life after death. Well, this may literally hold true as recent studies reveal the possibility of transplanting organs and stem cells from dead bodies. According to medical experts, stem cells can still be extracted from the bone marrows of a cadaver five days after the death. Who would have thought that at death, someone can potentially save the living?

A living donor may not be able to provide sufficient supply of stem cells needed. This is where scientists saw the promise of using cadavers. Most cells inside the body die within a couple days after demise. However, since MSCs or Mesenchymal stem cells can thrive in a low-oxygen environment. Gianluca D'Ippolito along with his associates at the University of Miami, pondered whether these MSCs might survive longer than other class of stem cells.

"While only limited amounts of bone marrow can be taken from a living donor, a cadaver represents a plentiful source of cells," says D'Ippolito. "From one donor, you could take the whole spine, for example. You are going to end up with billions of cells."

To test their idea, the scientists kept finger bones of 2 dead bodies for 5 full days. Thereafter, the team extracted MSCs from the bone marrow of each bone. They waited for five more weeks and to their delightful surprise, they were able to transform the stem cells into cartilage and fat cells. These promising results led them to further continue with their experiments. D'Ippolito and his group are now trying their prowess to convert the stem cells to nerve and intestinal cells.

At the moment, there have been reports that mentioned of corneal stem cells from eyes of fresh cadavers that have treated blindness and other eye conditions. Chris Mason of University College London sees an obstacle in using MSCs from dead bodies. "The work is novel and intriguing... but it would be better to use a living donor," he says. "You can always go back and get more stem cells from a living donor if you need them, but if you use a cadaver, you'll eventually run out."

Although there are apprehensions on the health of DNA of the cells because they came from the dead and have been exposed to cooler temperatures, this is still considered a breakthrough in the massive studies being conducted around stem cell therapy globally.

You may now be asking, can stem cells from cadavers be used as anti- aging agent? If it can cure sickness and regenerate the way it was previously mentioned, then this is very possible. To know more about stem cell treatments click here.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Benefits of IV Vitamin Therapy

Water soluble vitamins, such as Vitamin C and Vitamin B, need daily replenishment. These vitamins can be had from eating fresh fruits and vegetables but many people do not eat enough on a daily basis. Aside from not eating enough, the environment that we create for ourselves may also deplete what we do get. Habits that have a detrimental effect can be smoking, drinking alcohol, ingesting excessive caffeine and eating fruits and vegetables that are not fresh. Stress is also a contributing factor in vitamin deficiency.

In developing product and processes that hold back the sands of time, the scientific community continues to study stem cell technology, HGH therapy and IV vitamin therapy. The results are very promising.

Vitamin C is the vitamin that helps the body recover from damage and it is essential in the healing process and plays a large role in heart and brain functions, as well as the human immune system. Studies over the years set the requirement for vitamin C to be somewhere between 2000 and 4000 mg as the level for those in good health. In the event of an illness, the demand for vitamin C increases as it is needed as part of the healing process.

It is possible to increase the level of vitamin C orally with supplements or to increase the intake of citrus fruit and vegetables in particular. Unfortunately, there is only so much vitamin intake a person can tolerate before experiencing discomfort. Furthermore, the amount of vitamin C that can be delivered through the gut is not ideal. The optimum way to deliver large doses of vitamin C is through an injection straight into a vein. This is what is known as IV vitamin therapy.

Along with stem cell therapy and HGH therapy, IV vitamin therapy can also be used as an anti aging treatment. Stem cell treatments are known to have a beneficial effect on tissue which is damaged as a result of aging; this is also true for the use of human growth hormones. Vitamins can reduce pain, allowing a person to have a normal life, more energy, improve memory and simply be a happier and healthier person. The cocktail of vitamins and minerals is known as a "Myers Cocktail" as it was developed some 30 years ago by Dr. John Meyers; recently the protocol has been enhanced by the president of the American Holistic Medicine Association.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

An Introduction to IV Vitamin Therapy

IV vitamin therapy is a process where vitamins and minerals are delivered directly to your body via the bloodstream. As it gets around the losses in potency of vitamins taken orally, the delivery system is powerful. Poor nutrition, lack of activity, poor sleep patterns, stress and other mitigating factors may lead to premature aging. The resulting lack of vitality, weight gain, skin problems, anxiety and depression and digestion problems must be overcome to slow the process of aging and retain a youthful appearance. Some Beverly Hills anti aging clinics will advise you to return to a healthy diet with lots of citrus fruit and vegetables, proper sleep, exercise and management of stress as all these are essential in slowing the aging process.

Learning how to manage your life and lifestyle is the key to retaining your youth and fighting the aging process. The lack of proper nutrition, stress and sleeping problems all add up to aging; the lack of skin vitality and elasticity, digestive disorders, illness and abdominal fat are the results of poor body maintenance. Even if you do have a healthy and well balanced diet, you may not be retaining the minerals and vitamins that are necessary to fight aging. An anti aging therapy using directly delivered vitamins via an IV boosts the levels of vitamins and minerals much more effectively than oral supplements. There are a number of cocktails that can be customized by a doctor who specializes in such treatments, each one specially designed to repair damage or return your youthful vigor.

Nutritional therapy is used to increase energy levels, repair enzyme systems and assure an active nervous system. The active vitamins that are included in a typical vitamin cocktail are C and B along with magnesium and trace minerals. This vitamin therapy is proven to be beneficial for asthmatic conditions, migraine headaches, muscle spasm, viral illness, depression, high blood pressure and many other issues related to aging. IV vitamin injections can also be beneficial when introduced periodically into healthy people as the high dosage promotes repair within the body.

It is very improbable that one can attain the same level of nutrients with orally delivered supplements. Oral vitamins and minerals are all broken down in the stomach and liver while being absorbed into the bloodstream; high doses often result in abdominal pain and diarrhea. With IV introduced vitamins, they go directly into the bloodstream in an unaltered form and produce little if any side effects.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Stem Cell Therapy on the Front Line of Anti Aging

Stem cell therapy is showing promise in the cure of cancer and repairing injuries to the spinal cord – it is also in the front line as a potential treatment for anti aging therapy.

With baby boomers now reaching retirement age, the slowdown of their bodies not only will take their toll on the boomers, but will take its toll on the health system as well. Medical researchers are working furiously to find treatments and cures for many age related issues; anything from heart disease to Alzheimer's and broken bones.

Science knows that stem cells are the foundation for the development of all living things. Stem cells at the embryonic stage have the potential of becoming anything, whereas adult stem cells are limited in what they can do and what uses they can be put to. Regardless, stem cells have the potential of allowing the body to repair itself and replace cells which have been damaged.

A lot of the work in stem cell technology has been focusing on how these cells can be manipulated to manufacture other cells anywhere in the body – cells that can replicate and replace those that may have failed in the heart, brain or anywhere else. Many scientists are focusing their attention on how stem cells can be used to keep bodies healthier as they age. It is not an issue of extending the life span; it is more an issue of making one's life better as they age.

Stem cells fade over time and their ability to repair, heal and replenish is diminished. Research has found that elderly individuals have almost the same quantity of stem cells as younger people, but they lose out on performance. The surrounding tissue for some reason slows them down and they become less productive.

The research is focused on ways of reactivating these stem cells as they show potential in treating many diseases associated with aging, most of which are the result of the body's inability to be self healing. There are systems that are severely affected by aging – they simply break down, cease to function or result in disease. Stem cells have the potential of repairing tissue, adding not years, but productive years to life. Stem cells may help people remain vigorous as they age, adding to the enjoyment of life.

Research continues, but results look promising with each study and each finding made.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Controversy Over Stem Cell Therapy

There are currently three ways to harvest stem cells – bone marrow, blood and embryos. The preferred method is from using the blood, as it is thought to be safer and can be done with no anaesthesia. Harvesting stem cells from bone marrow is the preferred source when the blood cannot provide sufficient cells. Harvesting embryonic stem cells is really where the controversy with stem cell therapy lies.

Removing stem cells from blood can be accomplished by processing the blood of either the patient or an outside donor. The procedure consists of placing an IV in each arm – through one, IV blood is drawn from the body, then processed by a machine which extracts the stem cells. The blood is then returned to the body through the second IV. Harvesting stem cells from blood can be done time after time until there are sufficient stem cells to begin the anti aging therapy that they are being harvested for. There may be discomfort in the bones as the marrow works overtime to generate more blood and white blood cells. Once enough stem cells have been harvested, the pain quickly subsides.

Usually, before harvesting stem cells from the blood, the patient gets a drug that increases the production of white blood cells in his bone marrow. Although blood is the preferred source for stem cells, there are very few of them in the blood. The drug that is given stimulates a massive overproduction of white blood cells that spill over from the marrow into the blood where they are harvested. Stem cell treatment for any purpose requires millions of stem cells to work correctly. Timing the harvest is constantly monitored to determine exactly when to start the process as the drug causes such a rapid production of white blood cells that they age and begin to die very quickly.

Harvesting stem cells from a human embryo causes the death of the embryo – hence, the moral dilemma. Many people consider this method of stem cell extraction tantamount to murder. Research continues and it is looking more and more promising that a stem cell can be extracted from the embryo and the remaining cells can be reintroduced into the womb, thereby preserving the embryo.

Regardless of how the stem cells are harvested, they show tremendous promise in treating disease as far removed from one another as cancer and aging. Along with alternative therapy, such as IV vitamin therapy, researchers continue to work toward enhancing, and perhaps extending, life.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Patients Report Positive Effects from Stem Cell Anti Aging Therapy

Studies into anti aging therapy are on-going and probably will be for many years to come. As people age, the stem cell production begins a slow decline and the body's cells reduce their ability to regenerate, thereby slowing tissue repair. Changes in the human body which are age related can be seen in the skin, the internal organs, those glands related to the sex drive, the immune and blood forming systems and muscles. These symptoms of aging are all due to the loss of stem cells and the robust nature of the cells.

As new scientific breakthroughs are made, a better understanding of the potential of stem cell therapy will gradually appear. One thing is for certain though; cells lose their strength over time and die, thus, replacing aging cells with new cells is an effective remedy against aging.

There is considerable evidence of the effect of stem cells as an anti-aging agent being reported in various well respected medical journals. In one recent report, preparations made from stem cells showed marked improvement in the immune function and a re-balancing of certain hormones in patients who were involved in cosmetic procedures. The results enhanced the cosmetic effect considerably.

Reports from patients consistently suggest unexpected positive results when undergoing anti-aging stem cell treatments. Depending on the patient's age and overall wellness at the time of treatment, the results of course differed, but some of the more common results that were noted and reported are:

•    Improved overall feeling of fitness, increase in energy and vigor
•    A marked improvement in mobility, endurance, strength and coordination coupled with a desire for an increase in physical activities
•    A reduction in the symptoms seen in arthritis and an improvement in the function of joints
•    An improvement in overall mental capacity, including enhancement in one's ability to concentrate, a longer span of attention, clearer thinking, articulation and memory
•    An elevated mood, a more positive attitude coupled with a decrease in irritability, apathy and better sleep patterns
•    General feeling of being physically and mentally refreshed upon waking
•    A restoration in the activity of damaged tissue and organs
•    Improved appetite
•    Improved sex drive

There is little doubt that as research into stem cell technology continues reinforcement of these and other positive benefits will emerge. Perhaps the day will come when a cocktail of anti-aging therapies and treatments will never stop the clock but make old age something to honestly look forward to.